Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Go Carts and Video Games...

Last weekend the boys went on a Guy Field Trip of Go Carting and Video Games. Who could ask for anything more?

First stop, Go Cart racing.  Not far from us is an indoor go-cart track. The boys got there nice and early and happily ended up being the first ones on the track.

The boys had a little lesson on how to drive and then to their helmet fittings.

"Oh, my head! Why are the helmets always so small for my head?"

 Dude. You are driving a go-cart, not going to a Grateful Dead concert!

In order to race the "adult" race, you need to be 13 years old. Sam is 12 and was not happy about being 5'8" and having to race other kids, AKA: Jack. But once he got going, he was fine.

The flag fell and off they circles! Sam got 10 laps in before the end of the race.
 Jack finished right behind Sam.
 After the boys raced, Jason participated in the "adult" division race. 13+ years. Unfortunately, he got pretty dizzy going in the circles (because he was so fast!) and didn't feel right for the rest of the day. Typical.

After racing, they headed to a new video game arcade. You pay a flat fee and can play vids all day. You are actually able to leave the establishment and come back later to play even more! The best part is that the arcade is full of "old" classic video games Jason and I enjoyed playing when we were younger!

It didn't take Jack long to get comfortable. He told me that he didn't play video games. Well, he played a few video games, but mostly just pinball and pinball is not a video screen.
 Sam fell in love with Star Wars.

Are you kiddin' me? Donkey Kong and Ms. Pac Man? Score!! Jason was happy to report that there also a Centipede game! Be still my heart!
 I must share that Jason took all these pictures and sent them to me while they were on their Field Trip!  He made up for his ISU game picture. :)

He even took a picture of Sam and Jack by their favorite pin-ball games.
Jack chose Indiana Jones.
 Sam loved Lord of the Rings.
 And Jason picked The Walking Dead!
 The boys would love for me to join them at the next Guys Field Trip. I don't know if playing video games for three hours is my definition of fun...that is why it's a GUY thing. Now if we were going to go shopping or scrapbooking for three hours, that would be another story! Maybe the boys would like to join me for that after three hours of video games!

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