Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I am soooo trying to get back in the swing of things after having everyone around for two weeks. I just haven't been able to get going or inspired!! I guess the relaxing, hanging out, reading, playing games was just to wonderful!!

Plus, my blogging progam has NOT made things easy once again, along with my photo organizer! Everything keeps putting pictures in places I don't want them along with not letting me load photos..UGH!! So I get frustrated and call the whole blogging thing off!


We did get one thing done that we have been meaning to do since...mmm..spring...when I bought a vintage red bike for the top of our shelving unit. After a little polishing up, Jason hauled the bike up a ladder and muscled it to the top. Believe me, vintage bikes are not light weight!
I took this picture right after we got the bike all set up. Then Jason and I both had panic attacks about the bike falling down and take out anything/killing anyone or anything that might be under it! We gave the boys strict instructions NOT to run or walk heavy anywhere near the book shelf!

The next day Jason got some brackets to secure the bike to the wall. A secure success! And happy to report the boys can once again walk normally.
 Wanted to show how my mantel was decorated for the holiday. A friend's daughter makes these wonderful holiday signs and I couldn't pass up the red sign with the old wooden frame. I really don't want to take it down and isn't every time of the year the most wonderful time of the year? See. I can make it work!

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