Monday, December 1, 2014

December Daily...

I am starting to think about my next MINI book, a December Daily. 
What is that? 
Another scrapbook idea that I have failed at terribly. 
The concept is to take a picture every day during the month of December to put in an album of your choice. Why December? Because that is such a busy month that you have tons going on so plenty of opportunities to snap a photo. Not to mention all that   extra time to scrap a picture a day in the busiest month of the year!! 

So, why in the world would I EVER do this again? 
Well, I am going for something TOTALLY different this year.
 I hope.

First, I have already picked out my album. 
It is a 6x8 Sn@p red burlap album. 
I already have an idea for the cover, but time will tell.
(OK...obviously I need a new attitude and make some decisions!!) 
Idea: Wrapping ribbon around the front like this shows. But I won't be doing the sequins!

I have explored several options and versions of the December Daily. I have  tried to make it a December Journal, without daily dates/numbers, just keep track of things that happen in December.
But I still get very overwhelmed and have yet to fully complete an album. So, this year I am going to take my ideas from the "Photo a Day" challenge. 
A photo a day..didn't you just day that did NOT work for you?

The thing is, I don't have to think of what to take a picture of! The "Photo a Day" list tells me exactly what I need to do!

Here is the list that I am going to be using during December from Fat Mum Slim.
December photo a day
 So, on the first day I am to take a picture of something red..anything that is red! Easy!! What I really like, is the little explanation/inspiration that the blogger includes for each day!

1. Red: Find something red, snap it and share it. This is also our charity prompt for the month.
2. Where I stood: Where ever you are, we want to see it.
3. Silver: Just like there’s a lot of red around, perhaps you’re seeing more silver too. Snap and share it.
4. Tiny: Take a photo of something tiny, or perhaps go back to our perspective technique and make something LOOK tiny.
5. In the cupboard: Perhaps you’ve hidden presents in the cupboard or want to show off your pantry. Any cupboard will do. Be creative. How can you make something so ordinary look more interesting?
6. Shadow: Take a photo of a shadow.
7. 6 o’clock: 6am or 6pm, take a photo of whatever you’re doing at that time.
8. I shop here: Whether you’re buying gifts, or groceries – share where you shop.
9. This is the weather today: What a fun way to see how the weather differs around the world. How’s the weather where you are today?
10. R is for…: Find something starting with R and share it.
11. Green: Find something green today and share a photo of it.
12. Joy is…: What creates joy in your life? Share it.
13. Composition: This is our photography technique post. Stay tuned for a post with details on how to achieve it!
14. Drink: This time of year is all about eating, drinking and being merry, right? Share a drink photo.
15. Lights: Share a photo of some lights.
16. Makes you feel merry: What makes you feel happy? We want to see it.
17. Tree: Whether it’s a Christmas tree, or a part of nature – we’d love to see your tree today.
18. Big: Earlier in the month we shot tiny, now find something BIG to capture in a photo.
19. ‘Tis the season to…: Dance? Eat? Give? Love? Laugh? What do you think?
20. I’m listening to…: What can you hear right now?
21. On the door: Take a photo of something on a door.
22. Sparkly: Twinkle, twinkle… can you show sparkly in a photo?
23. Tradition: Show a tradition, whether it’s new or old, part of what your family does or something else.
24. Wrapped: Take a photo of something wrapped. It could be a burrito or a gift {or something else}. Easy!
25. Best bit of your day: Merry Christmas to you {if that’s how you celebrate!}. Show me the best bit of your day today.
26. Where you slept: At this time of year lots of people travel or stay with family, so I thought it would be cool to see where everyone slept last night.
27. What you’re doing now: What are you doing today? Or even right now? Share it.
28. Something awesome: Share something completely awesome.
29. Reflect: Best bit of 2013: When you look back at the year gone by, what’s one of the best bits that happened? How can you share that in a photo?
30. You: Let’s see one of your last selfies for 2014! Go on.
31. Celebrate: Hopefully you’re celebrating the end of a fab year and bringing in a new one. Show us how you’re celebrating.

I am still thinking through creating the album. Several gals I work with, create the album before December and just add pictures during the month.  This is my control weirdness coming out...what if I want the picture for that day to be a 6x8, but  I have already prepped and designated a 3x4 pocket for that day?  Yea...I know...get over it.  

I have several options when it comes to album pages for the 6x8 size. But, I think I am going to limit it to 6x8 and 4x6 refill pages. These pocket pages can be easily sewn to create any size that I am needing. I am also planning on stocking up on these little life savers: Photo Flips! 
This will give me the ability to put pictures or memorabilia anywhere in the album. 

Now for the pieces to use in the album.
I purchased a packet of 3x4 December Journaling cards at Memory Bound. Actually, I purchased everything in this post from Memory Bound. 

For the majority of my album I am going to use the Simple Stories DIY Christmas packs. 
I will be using the Sn@p 'tis the season stickers and 3x4, 4x6 cards along with the insta squares and pieces. The above product will blend nicely with this more colorful items. 

So, how can I possibly fail this year? I have the product, album and exactly what I am to do all laid out. I can do this. Now off to take a photo of something red! I KNOW...a cup of coffee from Starbucks! 

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