Wednesday, December 3, 2014

All Cleaned Up...

I did it! I am done creating/making/kitting/teaching classes for the rest of the year. Now I can focus on my albums and crafts for a bit and I am so excited!! So I headed to my craft space and thought "Wow. I need to get this place cleaned up and organized!"

I also took advantage of this clean up to throw some items into my purge box! Items I looked at and knew instanty, "This has got to go!" After a few good hours of cleaning, organizing and windexing, I was in a much better spot to start creating.
 Sam said, "WOW, Mom! Good job!"
Jason said, "I didn't know you had such a large table in here."
Such support is good for the soul!
 I really enjoy the hour or two that my space stays clean. As soon as I start to create, I will be back to the only clean place to scrap...a 12x12 square right in front of me with all my "stuff" in a circle around me!  It was wonderful while it lasted!

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