Thursday, November 27, 2014


Throw Back Thanksgiving!

These are pictures from our Thanksgiving in 2010. I first posted this in 2011, but I think the pictures capture the boys personalites perfectly! I cannot remember exactly what was happening, but it might have gone something like this....

"Boys, I would like to show you the things that are inside the turkey. First, is the heart."

Sam is suddenly having flashbacks to the movie Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom where the guy takes the heart out of a live person! My mom is digging for the next specimen to share.

"Oh Nanny! Do I have to learn about that?!?!?  Was the turkey alive when you did that?" Yes, that would be a statement from Sam...sometimes his logic leaves him at times of stress.

Sam in the background, "Oh Mom!! Is Nanny going to take out my heart?!?!?"

Mom continues, "Now I would like you to see the neck of the turkey. Do you know you can make a soup from the neck?"  Jack is starting to get a bit interested in all of this...  

Sam has about three more seconds before he will have to run to the bathroom. Hey! Where's Jack?  

I should have known!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

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