Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Saturday in Pictures...

On Saturday we headed to Minneapolis for the weekend. 
Before heading out I asked Jack when was the last time he took a bath...let's just say his answer made me run to the tub and start a warm soaking bath for him! "Jack are you in the tub?" I got a hand as an answer.

We got on the road around 10:00 after getting a doughnut or two.

Sam is determined to figure out the Rubix Cube...someday!
No shave November started for Jas!
 Jack is on a drawing kick right now.
 Had to get some healthy lunch and time to watch a movie too!
(Sam was sitting right behind him so it was hard to get a decent shot of him.)

We stopped at a birthday party...
 The boys love this new little guy!!
 Happy Birthday to one of our favorite little ones!
 Headed to the Mall of America later in the afternoon, which means rides!!

 Can you see their little feet?
We all were completely exhausted by the end of the day. We headed back to our hotel room and crashed! thank goodness the next day was daylight savings time!! That means...SLEEPING IN!!!

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