Friday, November 21, 2014

A New Addiction...

So I am jumped on the bandwagon and have been listening to 
Serial on podcast on my iphone.
And I'll tell you what I'm addicted and I can't figure it out! I go back and forth..Adnan didn't kill Hae. Ohhh...yep I think he did kill her! Then more evidence is shared and more interviews are conducted and I change my mind...again! I am stumped!!

What is Serial?
Serial is a podcast where they unfold one nonfiction story, week by week, over the course of a season. (At this time, I don't know how long a season is.) They'll stay with each story for as long as it takes to get to the bottom of it.
They'll release new episodes every Thursday morning. Listeners can subscribe for free to the Serial podcast on iTunes and other audio platforms. (I am listening it to it on my iphone. The app is available through the app store or the iphone 6 comes with the app already loaded.)

Here is the story that season one is covering:
On January 13, 1999, a girl named Hae Min Lee, a senior at Woodlawn High School in Baltimore County, Maryland, disappeared. A month later, her body turned up in a city park. She'd been strangled. Her 17-year-old ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, was arrested for the crime, and within a year, he was convicted and sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. The case against him was largely based on the story of one witness, Adnan’s friend Jay, who testified that he helped Adnan bury Hae's body. But Adnan has always maintained he had nothing to do with Hae’s death. Some people believe he’s telling the truth. 
Many others don’t.
Sarah Koenig, who hosts Serial, first learned about this case more than a year ago. In the months since, she's been sorting through box after box (after box) of legal documents and investigators' notes, listening to trial testimony and police interrogations, and talking to everyone she can find who remembers what happened between Adnan Syed and Hae Min Lee fifteen years ago. What she realized is that the trial covered up a far more complicated story, which neither the jury nor the public got to hear. The high school scene, the shifting statements to police, the prejudices, the sketchy alibis, the scant forensic evidence - all of it leads back to the most basic questions: How can you know a person’s character? How can you tell what they’re capable of?
I have been listening to Serial in the car and while I work in my craft room! It's great! I am sure some of you remember listening to "stories" on the radio! It is exactly like that, but on our electronic devises! It kind-of cracks me up to think that we have made another big circle...instead of listening to the radio, we listen to pod casts!

Anyway...Are you listening??

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