Thursday, August 14, 2014

THe Kissing Hand

Every year, on the night before school begins, the boys and I sit down and read the book "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn.

The story is about Chester, who doesn't want to go to school and would rather stay home with his mom. So, to help him on his way, his mom shares with him the secret of the kissing hand. She kisses his palm and folds his fingers around the kiss. That way, if he needs her during the day, he can put his palm up to his face and feel her love wherever and when ever he needs. He then does the same for her, just in case she would miss him while he was at school. (*sniff)
It is such a sweet book and has helped us through many "the night before school" jitters. 

After we read the book, the boys each sign their own book.  It's so fun to look back and check out how their writing has changed!

In years past, Sam would be in tears by the end of the book! But not this year. The book talks about making new friends, playing with new toys...Sam had to add, "And meeting new girls!" He also added that when he was in college, he would read the book and sign it for me! (*sweetie)

There are Kissing Hand stickers at the end of the book and Jack needs to put one by his signature every year. Usually one or two stickers find their way into Jack's lunch box or in a folder. 

So, another year has started and I hope that the kissing hand isn't needed too much today, but it's there if they do need it!

1 comment:

  1. Catching up on your blog. LOVE THIS! What a sweet tradition. *sniff*

