Monday, August 11, 2014

Papajohn's Sculpture Park...

The boys and I headed downtown to have lunch with Jason and then to enjoy some of the local sites, especially the Papajohn's Sculpture Park.
This sculpture was so fun to explore. The  panoramic awareness pavilion is transparent in parts and allows you to see into and through the glass. In other parts, it is a mirror and reflects back at you. It is crazy and plays with your mind a bit! It is super cool when you drive  by it on a sunny day.
The boys spent a good time in here trying to figure it all out! When I took this picture, Sam was right beside me, not over in the corner as it appears!

I stepped outside to take a picture of the boys inside. This is what I got...I love it!! All three of us in the picture and was SO not intended! I was thinking I would get Sam looking out at me, but he stood right where the transparent and mirror joined. Cool look!
This has always been one of our favorite sculptures to visit and today was no different!

I didn't take this picture, but the shiny building caught the boys' eye and they wondered what it was. It is actually the Downtown Public Library!  So, we thought we would check it out!

The library is HUGE!! The boys wanted to check out their favorite sections and much to their glee, the library had LOADS of the books they love. By the end of the hour we all had new library cards and a load of books to read! Jason works close to the library and heads over there to check out CDs, so he can return our books, too! What a great afternoon for new discoveries!

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