Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Summerfest Fun...

Our town has their carnival the weekend after the fourth of July and it is an event!  I have been participating in the event in one way or another since I was just a little girl!  It's fun to now take the boys to the carnival, which has changed in many ways (including what the teenage girls are wearing now days!  I actually found myself saying, "How can their parents let them out of the house dressed that way?" Sounded just like MY parents!!) The carnival was PACKED!  When Jack saw this ride, the Zipper (AKA the Eggroll in my day and age) he immediately said, "I want to ride that!"
That statement was made on Wednesday.  All he talked about Thursday, Friday and Saturday was how he wanted to ride the Zipper. Well, the only person that would be able to ride it with him was Jason. There was NO WAY that Sam or I would get on that thing. Sunday night came and Jack finally got his wish.
We waited in line...I mean Jason and Jack waited in line.

And then at the last second, Jack tried to split! He looked at Jason and said, "I can't do this." He tried to run, but Jason caught him...

And he was trapped! Look at his little sweating hands!
"I LOVE YOU!" I yelled from afar!

And off they went. During the entire ride Jack kept repeating,
"Oh my gosh."
"Oh my gosh."
"Oh my gosh."
"Oh my gosh."
"Oh my gosh."
"Oh my gosh."
"Oh my gosh."
"Oh my gosh."
"Oh my gosh."
"Oh my gosh."
He then looked at Jason and said,
"I hate myself."
Well, much to his happiness they finally touched ground. He got off, ran over to me and said, "I'm trembling."
I knew exactly how he felt.
Next ride up, the "Round Up." It is exactly like the Silly Silo that use to be at Adventureland. It spins, the floor drops a bit and it spins faster. Instead of the Round Up I think they should have called it the "Throw Up" because that is exactly what I would have done if I had ridden this one!
On they went...no straps of bars to keep them in. That's a bit stressful for a mother. Oh yea...they are only going to have 500 gazillion G-forces on them... they'll stick to the wall. No problem!

Oh yea...did I mention that the ride then tips sideways?

Can you spot Jack's neon yellow tee on the ride? He's on the left side. Happy to say that the boys didn't get sick, but Sam looked like he just got an amazing face lift!

Another year of carnival fun in the books.

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