Friday, July 11, 2014

Some Strange Things...

Every once in awhile I check out the pictures on Jason's phone. This time I came across some interesting/stange ones...

While in Vegas, Jason got his picture taken with Chewbacca. I asked him why he didn't share this picture with me. "That picture is horrible! I got mauled by Chewbacca and didn't really want to share!" I did ask him if it was ok to share on my blog!!
Came across the floating cookie...
We had some premade cookies from the local grocery store and Sam pulled out this one...attached to a big long hair!! (gag) Jason dared him to take a bite of it. Sam acted like he was going to and then...
...closed his mouth as the last second!
Good boy, Sam!
It's always fun to look at Jason' just never know what he has captured on "film!"

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