Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lego Shopping...

For my birthday, the boy's gave me the Lego Shopping Center. We started work on it right away. I am designated sorter and the boys build. We got two of the three floors completed and then stalled out...for four months! Well, the other day, the boys sat down and finished the third and final floor!
We brought it up to my craft area and carefully displayed it in a proper viewing conrner!

The front just makes me want to run in there and start shopping!

There are lots of little details in the building. Even mannequins in the windows!
No shopping area is complete without dressing rooms!

Jack got such a kick out of the little dressing room!
"Where are his pants?"

Even a check out area!

The boys soon came back with a mini me! Shopping bags and all!

Well, no shopping trip is successful without a shopping buddy!
So the boys made my sister to join me!

Soon Jack came running in, "Don't forget Nanny!" My mom is about 5 inches taller than Meg and I, so he did create her to scale!
Though, I must say none of us would be caught dead in shirts like these! :)

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