Tuesday, July 29, 2014


After our previous day adventures, Jason and I woke up early (because of the one hour time change!) and we were ready to take on the city!
We decided to experience some history and follow the Freedom Trail.

First picture opportunity...Ben Franklin.
We were instantly hooked at looking and experiencing history...along with one million other tourists!  Talk about crowded!! UGH!

Went to the oldest church in Boston, King's Chapel. The box pews are original...the sides are built high to keep worshipers warm in the winter!

This is the governor's pew, which George Washington sat at on a visit to King's Chapel. So Cool!!

Next stop, Park Street Church Burial Ground. There are several famous people buried and recognized here such as Ben Franklin's parents, John Hancock and Paul Revere. There are also memorials to Sam Adams and victims of the Boston Massacre. Is it me, or does the graveyard seem ....foggy?
We soon realized that we came to the start of the Freedom Trail..the start? Yea, we began the tour in the middle and actually worked backwards! Oh well. Perfect place straight ahead to get some lunch where everyone would know our name!!


A quick stop on the way back to our hotel. The Samuel Adams statue. I love how he is standing with one foot hanging over the edge. 

Right beside the statue was an amazing group of young fellows doing acrobatic tricks. Here one is flipping over five people! They really could work a crowd!
We headed to our room to clean up, get some dinner and head to the Justin Timberlake concert where I suddenly became a teenage girl again!!

Our seats were amazing for the concert.
I got goose bumps!!
Isn't he a doll?

 The stage actually raised up and then moved to the opposite side of the Garden Center. 
I think he looks a little stressed here...I think it's because he can't see me! Don't worry...I'm right here Mr. Cutie!!
It was a great ending to our first official day in Boston!

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