Wednesday, June 25, 2014

ISU Basketball Camp

The boys had ISU basketball Camp this Monday and Tuesday. I think they learned some new basketball things and worked on their shot, but I was more interested in getting the boys' pictures with the players!  Success!! Let me show you my amazing pictures!!

Daniel Edozie

Naz Long
Mr. Cutie Putie and Sam

Mr. Hottie with Jack

Dustin Hogue

Monte Morris
Sherron Dorsey-Walker
This was Jack's small group coach.

And the new kid Jameel McKay

He's very tall.

A group picture with Clayton Custer and Matt Thomas.

Back to the camp...the boy's did love it! Jack's team won the Money Ball game in their division, hence the medal. He is SOOO proud of it!  They both got ISU basketballs and had them all autographed up by the players and Hoiberg. They also received free red ISU sunglasses and free tee shirts. I would say that it was a pretty good two day camp!

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