Thursday, May 1, 2014

My New Favorite Movie...

I have a new favorite movie...
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty!
When I saw the trailers for this movie, I didn't want to see it.  The boys went and LOVED it! "Seriously?" I asked Jason. "Seriously, Katie. It's good."  So, for Easter, Jack scored the DVD of the movie and we all sat down to watch it. AMAZING!!
Water Mitty works for Life magazine, processing photos. Sean Penn is a photographer that works for Life and will have his negative #25 (yea, he still works with real film!!) as the last cover photo for Life. While Walter is processing the film, he finds that number 25 is nowhere to be found and that sends him on his journey. The message is wonderful, the scenery is breathtaking at times and there are laugh out loud moments. I highly recommend this movie!
One of the best lines in the movie,
" Beautiful things don't ask for attention."
And neither does Walter Mitty.

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