Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Found Little Guy...

Jason and Moose were taking a walk around the yard...checking out the yard, the house, I guess, checking out our "homestead."  Moose went over to our bench, sniffed at something and went on with Jas. Something caught Jason's eye and he looked back and saw this little guy!

Moose had actually "sniffed" this little baby Barn Owl! It was just sitting under our bench enjoying the nice evening. I have no idea why Moose didn't try anything with the little guy. *phew*
It sat there most of the evening and then as soon as the sun set, it was gone. I assume it's mom came and got him...and then he was grounded for going out early and when she woke up he wasn't in the nest and she has been worried to death! But she was so relieved to find him and that he was ok.

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