Monday, May 26, 2014

A Climbing Party!

For Sam's birthday party, we loaded up a bunch of cool kids and headed to Climb Iowa!

Check out the grin on this kid.  I am not sure what it means!!

Once he was all belayed in, he was off! Jack loves to climb, but he is naturally afraid of heights and will can climb about two stories high and he matter what wall he is on, it is almost the exact height each time.

Sam, as you can see, has no problem with heights!  His only issue is sore hands and forearms!

All the boys' hands were sweaty, so we got a chalk pouch and had Jack strap that on. He was designated chalk boy! 

As you can imagine, Jack was plenty chalked up through the night!

 Sam challenged himself and tried a wall with a jut-out.
Here Jack is balancing on the Death Star from Star Wars.  It is a little higher than two stories! Yea Jack!! As you can see, he was pretty uncomfortable and as soon as we took the picture, he repelled down.

 Towards the end the boys hands were spent. So, they played a game called "shark attack." They laid on the ground and our host would yell, "SHARK ATTACK!" and the boys jumped on the wall and hung there. First one to fall off was eaten by a shark.
I can pretty much say, with confidence that Sam was eaten A LOT by the shark!

 After climbing, we headed to our house for cake, ice-cream, presents, running around outside and then a movie!
The party went so smooth because the group of boys that came were all such good kids! It was a great evening!
Sam later told me that he could climb everyday,
but only for about an hour!

1 comment:

  1. Challenges fulfilled in this theme birthday party is great. Looking for one of the affordable party venue for my sister in law's baby shower party. It will be gender reveal theme cake and color used will also be same. Excited to see everyone's reaction as well. Dinner managements will be looked after by my husband.

