Wednesday, April 9, 2014

An Indoor Sandbox...

The boys love to go to Brookstone at the mall and sit in the massage chairs. They really have to drag me in there to sit in one of those chairs that will rub my back, legs and feet all at one time! Anyway,  while we were there one day, we discovered, Sand...pronounced s-ah-n.
The boys started playing with it and soon fell in love and we just had to get some! Well, I must say, it was worth every penny, because they play with it all the time!! Notice that Jack must really be concentrating because his tongue is sticking out a wee bit!!

The sand comes in a bottle/jar. There are several different sizes, but we settled on the small size, which works out perfect.

We decided to purchase the sand box, which included a knife and one shaping tool. There's another box of shaping tools available, but we just used an old baby food container for creating rectangles. 
We put the sand in the sand box (the small size fit perfectly in the box) and put it all on a tray. It sits on the kitchen table all the time because it never dries out!! It is also fabulous packing sand, so you can create all sorts of things! The best part, and I don't know why, but it doesn't stick to your hands!!

At times when we are sitting around the table chit-chatting, I find myself playing in the sand! The best part is that it doesn't get stuck in between my toes like when you are at the beach...and you know why I know this...because I put my foot in it...and it didn't stick!! YEA!!

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