Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Sylvester McMonkey McBean...

Jack's school was celebrating Dr. Seuss with a week full of fun. One day the kids were able to dress up as their favorite Dr. Seuss character. After much thought, Jack decided to dress up as Sylvester McMonkey McBean. Seriously, Jack.  Who is he?
This is Sylvester McMonkey McBean. He is in the book "The Sneetches." The story is about how half of the Sneetches have green belly stars and look down on Sneetches that do not have green belly stars. In comes McBean. He offers, for a small price, to put green belly stars on the star-less Sneetches. Well, the ones that already had green stars, were not happy, so McBean offers, again for a small price, to remove those stars.  The story goes around and around this way until the Sneetches cannot remember who did  and who did not have stars and end up excepting all Sneetches. Good story!
So, back to Jack and off to the party store, where he found a green bowler hat and a green tie (thank goodness for St. Patrick's Day!)  Along with a mustache. (Now I can finally use all that mustache paper and embellishments I have been hoarding!) He put his outfit on in the car and tada..
Sylvester McMonkey McBean!

Or as Jack would introduce himself...
Sylvester ...



When we were in KC, there was a balloon man on the corner. Jack asked him to create a green monkey with a blue bowler hat and a mustache. The man asked him, "How did you ever think of a blower hat?" Jack, "Oh...just something that came to me." I am pretty sure it was from Sylvester McMonkey McBean, but I don't blame him for not wanting to explain the whole situation!

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