Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's a Boy!

Our "Manny" from this summer, and his wife, had a brand new baby boy. We couldn't wait to meet the new little guy, Kellen. Jack got all dressed up for the meeting, khaki pants, nice shirt, a TIE and combed his hair!

Sam had football practice, so Jack and I headed down to the hospital.

Jack was just smitten with this little guy!

He said, "I was one of the first people that Kellen saw in his life!"

Kellen held onto Jack's finger and Jack thought that was the BEST thing ever! When we got home, Jack couldn't stop talking about Kellen and how he was just HOURS old! it was pretty cool.

A couple of days later, Sam got to meet the little guy. He thought he was pretty darn cute. He was a natural at holding Kellen...must be because he had just finished up child development in his FCS class!

Jack has now volunteered that he could babysit Kellen when Jack gets older...wait...Sam could watch Jack and Kellen both! 

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