Friday, October 18, 2013

I suddenly spotted this corner..THIS was how I wanted my table to look like.

So I headed to my craft paints and found some black, so I decided to paint on streaks of black. I did have to go over the entire table with streaks of white and gray. WOW...the never have to do THIS on HGTV!!

The legs of the table were my next project. I needed them to look rough in order to match my table. No problem...dragging them across the cement was PERFECT!!
Jack had a great time helping out. Yep...I was STILL working on my project at three in the afternoon...six hours after dropping the boys off at school!
Here you can see the new leg compared to the "new" old looking leg.

And here is how the table ended up after all my sanding and painting and streaking...streaking of paint colors..not me! :)

Here is my finished project. A new old table!! I will put the legs on the table once we carry it into the my new space!!

Now I am waiting by the phone for HGTV to call and offer me my own show!! Heehee!!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! It turned out great, Katie. Looks really similar to my table, but mine is still black! :) Will look great in your space with the industrial stuff you're getting.

