Friday, August 9, 2013

The Best 60 Seconds of Their Lives...

We went on vacation last week...our destination was Canton, Ohio to the Pro Football Hall of Fame for the 2013 Enshrinement Ceremony. Why there?

Cris Carter of the Minnesota Vikings was being enshrined to the Hall of Fame. Jason has been waiting for six years  to attend this event!  So off we went!! Our first objective was to get Cris Carters autograph. In order to get his autograph, you needed to have purchased a ticket.  One ticket - one autograph. Jason purchased three tickets, so we he could get three items autographed.

While we waited outside the autographing tents, the football players started to walk to their "signing" station. That was what was so awesome about Saturday...they players and coaches where driven/walked right through the crowd. 

While in line for Carter, Bill Parcels was signing in the next area!

Sam was first to get his Vikings football autographed.

Sam just told Carter, "My dad makes me watch tapes of you all the time!"

Jack got a Hall of Fame football autographed.

Jason getting his jersey signed.
He was so elated!!!

Getting Jason with his "hero." Jason couldn't keep his eyes off of him!

A successful signing experience for the boys!

It was so funny how Sam would NOT let anyone carry  his ball. He carried it all afternoon and if Jason was holding it, Sam would take it away from him!
Mom, "That was just the best 60 seconds of my life!"
I don't think he was the only one feeling that way!!

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