Thursday, August 1, 2013

Sam's Tri...

It's official! Sam is a double tri-athlete!
Sounds pretty amazing..and it is!!

Sam participated in his second tri last Saturday.
It was a little more challenging then last year, because he had to do double the distance in all three events.He was nervous, but felt pretty good going into the race. He should, he rained all summer for this day! I kept reminding him, "Your race! Your pace!" 

We had to wait for some time until the race began. The younger age group went first and the older kids had to wait for ALL the younger kids to finish their tri before starting their heat.  That took awhile! Jack hung out at the the lower 60 degree weather!!

I would have never thought that it would be 60 degrees in July!!
The poor tri-athletes trying to stay warm while waiting for the race to begin!

Finally, Sam was off to swim a 200 in the chilly water.

Must have felt pretty good after the swim, because I got a wave on his transition to the bikes.

Aunt watched over him and gave us the thumbs up on how Sam was transitioning!

And he was off on his 4 mile bike ride!

I COMPLETELY missed the transition from bike to run!  I was sitting on the younger kids route...NOT the older kids! DUH!! Such a Katie move!!  I almost missed all the running!! But soon I spotted Sam. He came onto the track after running a mile and left it all out there on the last 100 yards!

Crossing the finish line!!
It took him exactly 30 minutes from start to finish!
It would take me 30 minutes to get my head under water at the pool!

Congratulations, Sam!
You did AWESOME!!!

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