Friday, August 16, 2013

First Day of School!

First day of first grade......First day of second grade!
 Jack has grown an entire brick in one year...and in pure Jack fashion, spilled water down the front of his shirt!
First day of 5th grade...first day of 6th grade!
           Sam has grown almost an entire brick!
The poor kiddo was so tired this morning, that his eyes are barely opened!

The two kiddos together.

They have grown so much in the past year and were super excited about starting school. Poor Jack, was tardy on the first day (I don' think it will count against him!) It was crazy chaotic in the parking lot and had to park WAY out.  The school clocks were 5 minutes fast and so he was late by the time we got into school. I walked him in and got him situated, the pledge started and I took off. Crossed my fingers that he was ok and then it was time for Sam to be dropped off at Middle School!  That was much smoother!  He told me that he could go in on his own..which was awesome, but also a bummer. I sucked it up and said, "Good for you! I know you are going to be just fine."  Out he jumped and with a wave he was gone on his new adventure.

And I am glad to report, that  did not cry. I did the night before school, but I was good to go this morning!


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