Thursday, August 29, 2013

A House Update....

I haven't shared a house update for awhile, due to the fact that after the framing was done, the next two weeks was spent installing heating and cooling, electrical and plumbing. Not too exciting. After that was done, the dry wallers where brought in...improvement!!! Will share a few photos...
This is the hole to the existing house. Got to love the zipper door! It's interesting listening to the workers when they don't realize that I m standing on the opposite side!
I am now standing near the whole in the wall. These windows give us a great view of the woods and we have a fireplace to the left of the windows!
This is what you will see on the opposite wall. The stairs lead upstairs, a knick knack closet, and the doors to our bedroom area.
 Our bedroom windows look out onto the woods the same way the living room window do. The bed will be placed where there is "wall space" between the two lower windows. I love all the windows!!
A quick look at the basement. I am standing against the back wall and looking into the "theater" area. The "hole" will actually have shutters that will open and close in order to make it completely dark in the theater. The long rectangle area is a pool cue holder. This is something Jason has always dreamed of having.
When you first walk down to the basement, this is the door to the theater area. The other door, on the right, is the bathroom.
 For the first basement picture, showing the theater room, I was standing by the window on the right. This area will eventually contain a pool table. Yes, this is a man cave.

I am now standing by the windows again. The theater "hole" is on my right. This little corner will hold a card table. I am sure we will play a lot of crazy 8 with the boys at that table!

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