Tuesday, July 9, 2013

We Have Walls!

We have made some GREAT progress in the last week.
We are still behind abut 2-3 weeks, but it is just nice to see the house "shell."
Let me take you on a little tour.

I have enlarged the pictures and realize they are cut off a bit on the right side, but I was hoping you would be able to read some of the labeled areas. This is the main floor. To the left is the existing house. The wall on the left will be knocked out to join the two areas. I am taking the picture from the new living room.

The back of the house will be our bedroom, closet and bathroom areas. The boards on the floor show where there will be a wall dividing the bedroom from the living room. I am standing by the wall that will be knocked out.

When you walk through the bedroom door, you can turn right to go into the bedroom, straight to go into the closet or turn left to the bathroom.

This is the north side of the bathroom.
I am standing by the bathroom and shower area when I took this picture. :)

Now I am standing by the sink area in the previous picture.

The stairs lead downstairs or upstairs...let's go up!

When you reach the top of the stairs, there is a landing. Where the widow is located, that will become a door to connect the new area to the existing area. Where I labeled "here" and  "here" there will be a railing that overlooks to the living room below. I am standing in the office area...otherwise know as THE SCRAPBOOK ROOM!

I am standing on the landing and Jas is enjoying my scrap room!!

You can view the bedroom from the landing. You won't be able to see the bedroom when the house is completed because there will be a wall. You WILL be able to see into the living room.

This is how the house is looking from the front.

This will be my view from my scrapbook room. Hopefully it won't have a garbage bin the size of Texas for that long!

And this is the view of SOME of the scraps from my scrapbook room...these should be IN the dumpster the size of Texas!!

Hope you enjoyed the tour!
Check back for updates!!! 

1 comment:

  1. It looks great, Katie. Your new room is going to be wonderful!

