Tuesday, July 2, 2013

ISU Basketball Camp...

Warning: I am going to brag!

Sam attended ISU basketball camp last week.
I never went to camps...I didn't want to be away from home.
And confession... I didn't want to use a public restroom.
So I stayed home...no camps for me...and I was good with that!
I digress..

Sam was awarded best sportsmanship for his division!
Proud mom moment!!
Fred Hoiberg (the ISU head basketball coach...in case you didn't know) is in the maroon, giving Sam his medal. He is so dreamy...I am referring to Hoiberg.

Each attendee received an ISU basketball. So after the award ceremony, the participants could go around to the different players and get their autographs on their shirts or basketballs.

Sam went right away to Freddy.
(No, it had nothing to do with me pushing Sam up to Hoiberg!)
Sam wanted to get a picture with the cuttie coach and at the last minute, Jack jumped into the photo, too! Sam was not pleased!

Off we went to get an autograph and picture with BooBoo (really spelled BuBu) Palo.

We had to wait in a line to get Tyrus McGee's autograph.

McGee came to the camp to help players with their shot...how cool is that!

Oh..Jack jumped in again!
Jack actually ended up with quite a few autographs on his shirt.

Off to Georges Niang.
He was on his way out, but stopped to give Sam an autograph and a picture.
I was VERY impressed with all the players...so polite and willing to give autographs and smile for a picture. But, again, that ISU for you!

Through this entire process, I had to listen to Sam complain that Jack got in his picture with Hoiberg.
So, I reluctantly, (heehee) told him to go back and get another picture taken with him!
Problem solved and everyone left happy!
Oh...while Sam collected some other items, Jack took the opportunity to appear as if HE had attended camp, too. Though, Sam left him with strict instructions NOT to dribble his new basketball!
Sam wore his medal all the way home.
And, held onto that basketball, with all his treasured autographs, all the way home.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting! I'm taking my son to the 4 day camp as well as the shooting camp this year (2015) and it is nice to see and read about your visit. Thanks again.

