Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

Jason and I have been married for 14 years today!
We have been together for 21 years.
We have been friends for 28 years! 

This is us, as friends, not high school sweethearts as some believe, in the year we graduated, 1988.
Jason and I didn't start dating until we were seniors in college...1992.
We were at a bar and started talking about the good old days
and really haven't been apart since that night.
And here we are 25 years later since the above picture was taken.
(The four fingers represents the 4th of July!)
Tons has happen in those's been a roller coaster of a ride with ups and downs.
The best thing though, is that we are both willing and wanting to keep riding the roller coaster together!
Happy Anniversary, Jason!!

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