Friday, June 14, 2013

A Happening...

I am trying to blog from my phone. It is not pleasant!! It is slow work and the words are about 1cm big!  I have been working on this blog for over an hour. My eyes hurt. I am off to find a computer that "works."
We still do not have Internet. Century Link called and told us they would be at our house by 8:00 pm on Tuesday. NO SHOW!! Called them on Wednesday...they basically "lost" the ticket. Found this out AFTER being on hold for over 50 minutes!! They will MAYBE come out on Friday, but for sure on Monday. A week without phone service...shame on a lot of people, especially the worker who tore out our lines!!!
My goal is show at least ONE HAPPENING!!
I am just asking for ONE picture to upload!!
YES!! Personal victory!!
Here are the boys in our newly pour basement...did I mention that we are 2 weeks behind in our building? Surprise, surprise. So Jason was pleased as punch when he got home on Wednesday to see the basement poured and couldn't wait to get down there and start planning. He actually drew the layout in the dust that you see on the floor.
 Then announced..."I don't think we have enough space."
At that point, I just walked away.

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