Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Few Things We Have Accomplished this Summer!

Sorry about the lack of blogging, but we have been Internet "free" for over a week.
I am not happy about being Internet "free."
Finally got our Internet re-connected after a week of Century Link telling us they would be here and then not show...not show THREE different times!! One evening we talked to SEVEN different people! Their customer service needs a revamp!


Thought I would share a few happenings of the summer so far...there are more, but I can't figure out why my pictures won't download! 
Sometimes I wish for simpler times!!

We have gone to the library.
Jack was all about the reading program for about two weeks.
Do I know my boy or what!

Sam's new favorite sandwich..ham and Doritos.
And peaches make him gag?

We've had a sleep over in the living room.

Jack went to Lego club...Sam couldn't help but "hang out" with him to keep him company!

Oh yea...our addition.
That's about 10 blog posts!
A few highlights:
Mud and more mud.
Two trucks have been stuck in our yard.
The basement was poured.
They TRIED to back fill, but too muddy, so haven't finished that project.
Back filler cut our phone lines and Internet lines for the second time.
Construction workers started framing.
It rained SO hard and our new sump pump wasn't plugged in, so we panicked that the water was going to run back into our existing basement!
We finally got that sump pump going while standing outside during the severe thunderstorm warning!
Framers came back for the second day.
Unfortunately, their power tools are too powerful for our electric lines, so the breakers keep tripping and they can't work well/safely around the house without it being back filled, so they went on "strike" for a day.
They came back the next day and left early
 Conditions still aren't "workable."

And some days we do nothing.

Hope your summer and Internet exploring and e-mailing is going well for you!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Sorry to hear that it okk so long to get your service up & running. If you'll send us your account information we look into this for you. Please email

    Thank you,
    Social Media Manager
    Customer Advocacy Group

