Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Run, Sammy, Run!

On the HOTTEST day of the far, Sam had his fifth grade track meet. Yep, I went in the 94 degree weather armed with sunscreen and my umbrella! Jason and I sat at the top and there was actually a nice breeze, but the kiddos just baked!

Anyway, back to the running...Where's Sam?

Sam finished first in his heat in the 100. The winners of each heat advanced to the final race. I love this picture of Sam.

Since his heat was the last heat, he had to run back down the track and prepare to run the 100 in the final. He barely had time to catch his, he was fine!  If you look closely at this picture, Sam is noticing that he is in lane 3.  He thinks he is to stay in lane three, which he is, but NOT THE LINES FOR THE CURVE!!  He is to run in the dotted lines!! Sam doesn't realize this and so...

BAM!! Right into the guy next to him.  The kiddo in the yellow was running between the dotted lines, which you are suppose to do. Meanwhile, Sam is running the curve and runs SMACK into the kid...not once, but twice! Jas looked at me and said, "Guess I never mentioned that one to him." Sam finished fifth overall and was super excited about his first track ribbon! 

Here Jason in mentioning it to Sam. Sam is saying, "NO WAY!"

The next race he ran was the 400. Sam (and his dad) were so nervous!!

Sam started off slow...just like his dad directed him to do, but he got himself boxed into the first lane and couldn't get out.

He finally was able to work his way into lane 2 and start his big move!

Run, Sammy, Run!

He finished fifth in his heat, but didn't place overall. Sam was ok with that because it was his first 400.

Totally ok mom!!

Sam then ran the 200 of the last leg in the sprint medley.  Pulled at my heart strings..that was the exact same relay race I use to run in high school AND the same leg I ran!!

Off he went to chase down the kiddo in front of him!

Sam actually looked pretty strong in this race, if I do say so myself.  He finished behind this runner in yellow about one meter.  It was exciting to watch!  His relay team finished third overall, so another ribbon for Sam.

He also participated in the shot put.  He thought he was doing the long jump, but accidentally signed up for the shot put. "I had NO IDEA how to throw a shot put, Mom!"

Needless to say, after spending all day out in the 90 degree weather, he was beat!  He came home, took a shower, hit the couch and didn't move until super. 

And I am proud to report, that Sam did not come home sunburned.  Sam not only has fair skin in these pictures, but he is so covered in sunscreen that it made him look even whiter!!

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