Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Home Addition Update....

Things are moving along...which we are very happy about!
The workers dug the hole in one day! YEA!!

I am taking these through the screen from the window that overlooks the hole.
Jack couldn't wait to go down the "steps" to check out the hole.  Unfortunately, when digging they ran into an old lateral which was full of ground water. It drained and drained....

When the basement guys came, two day later, they had a little water to deal with. They said it was no big deal...not the first time they built in water. They all put on their mudders and away they went!  They did have to bring in a sump pump to pump out most of the water, but it did not slow down their work!

Water basically all gone!  They then started to dig trenches around the edge of the hole...by hand!! That is where the cement would be poured and the footers placed in the cement. MUDDY!!!

It is addictive to stand and watch!!

A better shot of a trench dug by hand! Amazing!!

In came the cement. You can see on the left side how the trench is now filled. A big bummer emerged for the guy in the green.  The cement truck couldn't drive around to the right side of the hole, because it would drive over (and crush) our laterals.  So they filled a wheel barrow and rolled it over to the trench on the right.  thank goodness they took turns trying to push the wheel barrow through the mud! Finally...someone put down some plywood to help with the rolling.

Here's what a large hole in the rain storm ends up looking like! A small waterfall on the left side and so much water you can't see the bottom!! For awhile we thought about ditching the idea of the addition and going with a pool! The poles sticking up are the footers that where placed in the cement.

We even had an area of mud slides!!

They are going to need another sump pump and taller waders!

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