Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Down, Set, Jam....

Sam started flag football this week.
Flag football already???
The team gets together once a week...for practice and then a game.
Sam LOVES flag football and was super excited to start playing.

And then....


Chasing the guy down with the ball... He grabs the flag...

...and jam.

In this picture he is actually bent over holding his left thumb.
Sam jammed his thumb two years ago in football.
It was better by the end of football season last year and it didn't need wrapped.
Now it needs wrapped again.

Coach, AKA, Dad checking on his player, AKA son.
His thumb swelled up pretty good and he couldn't play the rest of the game.
But, a little ice...a little Tylenol...and he was good to go!

I worried about him while he stood on the sidelines. 
I thought about going over and checking on him.
But I think the coach and the player would have had some words with me.
So I stayed in my chair.
Then "mommed" him all the way home...and at home!


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