Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Grand Blue Mile...

Last night, our family headed down to Grand Avenue to participate in the Grand Blue Mile for the Drake Relays.

It is a fun run, meaning that you don't have to run it...just go at your own pace!
Needless to say, Jack's pace last night was no way, Jose, am I going to run.
So, Jack and I were spectators. 
Which was okay by me. I'd just take pictures of the entire event.

Sam and Jason did participate!  It was cold cold cold!!

So I didn't want to take my mittens off to take lots of pictures. 

I know...lame.

Jack and I watched from the starting the finish line...

At the starting line, I saw a friend and missed the boys run by due to my talking!

At the finish line, for some reason, I did not see them cross over. 
At one point, Jack suggested that we get a bit closer to the finish line and I believe that is when Sam and Jas crossed.

I know...lame.
So these are all my pictures of the Grand Blue Mile.

Sweet Sam, "There's always next year mom."


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