Monday, April 22, 2013


First, I want to take this opportunity to apologize to all the parents who had me as their child's teacher.  If I were to do it over again, I would NEVER have given so many projects to complete at home! My sincere apologies!!

Sam comes home and announces that he needs to make a simple Monday.
Seriously?? we already had to make the leprechaun trap simple machine in third grade!
Now I can do posters, speeches, articles...but I draw the line when we have to build something.  Jason...your turn.

Off I went to work at Memory Bound and when I got home, Sam and Jason had created a pretty amazing catapult made specifically to toss balls for Moose! It was fabulous and actually very light to lift! Important when having to carry to and from school!

Sam was very proud of his invention (oh...mental note...keep catapult for future invention unit, just spray paint it!) Moose ran after so many balls this day, that she can barely keep her eyes opened!

The proper way to shoot a tennis ball from the sam-a- pult!

Moose gets so excited!!!

And look how far it goes!!

This will be awesome to have when sitting in a comfy chair on the patio, with a cool drink and some music playing in the background.

Now I just need to get Moose to bring the ball back.

Or, buy a ton of tennis balls.

I am going with option two.


  1. Awesome! Cheryl

  2. hi i was wondering if you could post directions on how to make this and also maybe a shopping list

