Friday, March 15, 2013

Project Life...February...

Still enjoying my "mini" project life album. For the most part, I have been able to keep up with it SO much better then the 12x12 Project Life album! Here are some pages from February...

We visited Zombie Burger...Jack's least favorite place!

I included a menu from Zombie burger and scraped right on it!

This is the back of the menu...Jack got the flu the night we went to zombie Burger.  I had this mini calendar from a pack of Elle's Studio journaling cards (available at memory bound!) this little card was perfect for writing about the Flu Week!!

Pictures of Jack with the flu.

A picture and story of Sam with the flu! these pages still make me go ewww.

Included the uneventful story about Valentine's Day!

Pictures of the boys' valentine boxes...

I have scraped a few "full" size pages.  the pages are 6x8 and I actually had some difficulty scrapping in such a small area!  After doing several pages, I found my mojo and that I really enjoy the smaller size.  I scrap in the same manner, but just in a smaller scale. I print the pictures off in a smaller size (duh!) and can use "smaller" elements as the focus, such as the Polaroid frame I used with this picture.

I purchased some new Polaroid die cuts and think they will work great in my mini book!  (available at memory  bound!)

this is a story that I want the boys to remember...How they HATE when I have to go to Victoria's Secret!  Jack use to go in there and pose like the mannequins.  Now he won't step foot in the a few years can change your view!!! sometimes I just say I have to go buy new "under garments" just to get them all worked up!!

And I had to include a picture of the stink eye!!! 

I have actually filled up this first album with January and February pictures, which is A-OK with me!  I have figured that I will take up one album for every two  months and simple stories has just enough color of albums for me!! 

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