Monday, February 25, 2013

What a Slow Month...

There just isn't much going on in February...

Basketball is over for both boys.  Jack spent A LOT of time watching Sam play ball.

We went to the dreaded Zombie Burger for lunch.  Jack hates going there...the zombies creep him out!

Finally got Jack to smile for a picture while at the dreaded Zombie burger.  He didn't eat anything while there...which was good, because this was the night he got the flu! 
Made kits for classes at Memory Bound.

Boys watched, ParaNorman, which they thought was going to be super scary (hence why they are together.) Which ended up NOT being scary!

Moose started bringing me huge slices of pizza...seriously...I think she is working for Pizza Hut! I can't figure out why she didn't eat this piece...I figure that she had eaten the entire pizza and this was leftovers.  She did get sick again.  Went on the three hour tour of the woods, ate something and had diarrhea again.  That was awesome, especially after the boys just got done with the flu.

So February is slow...and full of stuff that should stay in your body. Need it to be spring.

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