Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Seeing a Pattern...

After the boys get haircuts, it's a bit of a ritual to stop at our favorite Noodle Cafe, Z'Mariks. They had haircuts on Monday and so for dinner, noodles on!!  

Monday at Z'Mariks is Mac Monday, which means big bowls of mac and cheese for cheap...we all win!!

We are super excited because there is a Z'Mariks coming to our town!! What's even better (or bad) is that it being built across from where I work!  Yea!!!

Jack loves his mac and cheese so much that he won't share bites with anyone!  He needed to get a refill on his drink, but was worried that Jason would eat his mac.  Here he is giving Jason the "stink eye" which meant...don't touch my cheese!

And then I remembered Sam had recently left a note for Jason...

Sam brought home a cookie, wrote a note and stuck it on the cookie for all to see...
(Do Not EAT. If you eat it I shall know. THIS IS SAM"S COOKIE!!)

(That means you too DAD!!)

(And Moose too! Don't even THINK about blaming it on HER!! Love, Sam)

Jason is guilty of eating cookies (and other snacks) that have already been "claimed" and also has the habit of putting blame on the dog. (Seriously!?)  What cracks me up is that this note is so serious...and then he writes "Love, Sam."  Which, is so Sam.

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