Friday, February 15, 2013

Round Two...

Just when I thought we were safe...

Sam woke me up at 2:30 am on Wednesday morning.  "Mom, I don't feel good." And away we went.  Thank goodness he didn't get sick as often or as long as Jack, but Sam is like his mother and HATES to throw up! Unlike Jack, Sam felt cruddy all day on Tuesday.  He didn't get sick, but his stomach was upset for most of the day.  he was just so sick. Poor kid!

Jack was such a sweetie.  "He had been there," he told Sam.  He made a "Hope you get better" heart and put it on Sam's pillow.

Before Sam went to bed, Jack tucked in a favorite "get well" gorilla for Sam to sleep with. (Puppy and teddy are already there...if you know what I mean :)
My legs, toes fingers and eyes are all crosses in hopes that I won't get this horrible thing! 

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