Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My "New" Project Life...

The last two years, I have been attempting to do Becky Higgin's Project Life. You can find more about Project Life here: Becky's Blog. I would start out strong, excited and keep up with my recording, but then I would become overwhelmed and fizzled out. Being overwhelmed came from having to fill eight 4x6 pockets and eight 4x3 pockets in one week...that is 16 items in a week! I would spend more time collecting memories then recording the memories. Some of the memories I was collecting were pretty irrelevant, but still collected them just to fill up space! Over the last couple of years, Becky Higgins has created a variety of different photo page protectors, which I am using in another project, but just didn't help with my daily recordings.

  So this year, I am trying something new. I am using the Simple Stories collection, which comes in 8x6 and also has a variety of refill pockets, but in a much more manageable size for me and my recording of memories!

My opening page for January is a album insert from Studio Calico.I did have to re-punch them to fit into my simple stories biggie!

I used the 4x3 pocket refills to include books that I have read in January. I printed them in the 4x3 size right off the computer!  EASY!!

On the back of the previous page, I included movies that Jason and I went to this month, again in the 4x3 size! The next page has two 4x3 pockets and a 4x6 pocket.  Jack has been reading Captain Underpants and books from the series "Who Was.." I have a picture of Jack reading that I need to add in the 4x6 pocket. I did the same recording, for Sam, on the back of this page.

At school, Sam is on the newspaper committee and this month wrote a movie review for The Hobbit.  I printed it off in smaller size so it would fit on the 8x6 paper.

I ran an 8x6 page, from the Simple Stories collection, through the computer to tell the story about how sick Moose was on the week she went out on an adventure.  I also included the vet bill!

This page refill was perfect to show how sick jack was one day!

These pockets include random things that happened during the month.

I can still "scrap" pages, but just in the 8x6 size.  This shows Jack making a basket at his basketball game! It is one of my favorite photos from that particular game. Instead of including ALL my pictures (and I have a lot of pictures) I choose one to three favorites that really tell the story I want to share.

This is a page that is scrapped for Sam.  It also includes the story about the basketball team he is playing with and the friends he has made on the team.

In one section, I included the "big" news stories of the month. I chose ones that were in the news more than one day!  There are probably more "highlights" or ones you thought may have been "big news" but these are the ones for our family

Jason and I went to see "The Book of Mormon" at the civic center. HILARIOUS!!!  So in this 8x6 pocket, I put the cover of the play bill and the article from the paper. When you turn the page... see the rest of the article, the cast list for the night and our tickets.  I am going to leave as is...which is a big relief for me! I love the idea that I don't have to go back and try to scrap an entire 12x12 page.

So, I am proud to say, that I have kept up with January and recorded the stories that I want the boys to look back on in future years. Now on to February!

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