Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Very Sick Jack...

The flu hit our house...and hit Jack hard.  It all started Sunday evening.  He kept telling us his stomach hurt and we told him he probably needed to use the restroom.  The reason we thought that was because his tummy would hurt and then it would be fine...then it would hurt and then it would be we assumed it was a bathroom issue. Long story wasn't a bathroom was the flu.

This is jack laying on his "floor bed" on Sunday night (Moose stayed close by!)  We made him a comfy bed beside ours so we would be right there if he got sick...and oh boy did he get sick!!  He first got sick at 10:30pm and then continued to get sick approximately every 20 minutes until 5:30  the next morning. Poor kiddo!! Obviously jas and i weren't getting any sleep that night, so we decided, around 2:00 am, since neither of us had slept a wink, to take sleep turns...just like when you have a newborn!  I slept for two hours and then Jason slept for two hours...then it was morning!

On Monday, Jack laid in bed all day. He told me his body was very lazy (as was mine!)!  He woke up around 9:30 am, crawled into our bed and fell back to sleep around 11:30 for a three hour nap. After that, he was able to drink a little, but then the fever came on. Luckily, he felt better so i could get him to take some ibuprofen, which helped his spirits and kept the fever in control.

On Tuesday, he woke up feeling "normal"...until he tried to work on his valentine box.  We went to the basement (that is where my "studio" is...heehee i really don't have a studio...just my desk) and he was pooped!! So, he headed back to the couch to watch some more TV. Through the day, he worked in little bits on his valentine box and we did get if completed (will show it to all tomorrow!).  I love this picture, because it shows his messy hair!

 Jack is feeling better little by little.  After watching what he went through, we all have chapped hands from constantly washing our hands and our noses burn from the amount of Lysol I have sprayed!  I even opened the windows for some fresh air and made everyone wear good luck charms and knock on wood. I hate the flu.

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