Monday, February 4, 2013

A Little Moose...

Crazy me...I thought Moose wanted to play a little catch, so I threw her raccoon pelt at her.  She didn't even attempt to grab it! It landed straight on her head.  She just sat there!  She sat there long enough for me to go get my camera and take a picture!

I could just hear her say, "You really wanted me to catch this?"

And then a little later, I found her getting a drink! She can be SO unlady like!!

 "HI! Thought I'd ride up here with you today!"

When Moose goes for a ride, she ALWAYS sits in the back..On this day, I had the back door opened and she was climbing in.  I also had the front passenger door open so i could put a few things in the front seat.  I ran inside real quick and when I came out, Moose had gotten herself into the front seat! She just looked so pleased with could I have her get in the back??

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