Thursday, January 10, 2013

Funny Faces...

Sam and I found taking pictures of ourselves much more interesting then watching the Alabama vs. Notre Dame game the other night.

 (Excuse the no make-up look. I had just bought new facial scrub.  Yes a scrub..which if you know me, I should NEVER use anything with the word SCRUB with my super sensitive skin! I stressed my sensitive skin issue (yep another issue!) to the gal that sold me a 7 Day Scrub with the instructions that if i use more, there would be more "soap" then scrubbing bubbles and if I used less there would be more scrubbing bubbles and less soap. I used lots...all over my face.  And after rinsing, it was red and on FIRE!!! See how my cheeks have glow to them...NOT GOOD!)

I actually look as if I have a little color!

Check out how I was trying to cross both eyes, but could only get my left one to cross!

And then Sam could only get his left eye to cross!!

Picture taking was done...can you tell why by this photo? 
I am saying, "GROOOOOSSSS!!" and Sam is laughing... at himslef!
Let's just say that Sam is just like his father!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! I see Sam can roll his tongue! Very impressive. My daughter also has this skill but alas, I do not!

