Monday, January 7, 2013

40 Bags in 40 Days Challenge...

 Ali Edwards always chooses a "little" word of the year.  It is a word that you "focus" on for the entire year. I had tried it once, but forgot about my word. Then, the other day a friend posted on FB what her word of the year was and so I started thinking that I should choose a word for this year.
So I have decided that my word of the year is going to be "simple." I need to simplify my life in many different ways, but one place to begin with is with all the things in my house. 
 Well, I needed help with how to start this and then I remembered coming across a post  "40 bags in 40 days" last year and so I goggled the topic and came up with TONS!!
Here is a good motto to keep in mind:
Side story:
The whole idea reminds me of how my mom use to send me to my room with a large black garbage bag and told me that I couldn't come out until it was full.  Great idea!  This ritual started after she found worms in one of my dresser  drawers from the beautiful bird nest I had saved from the ground and  kept in a box!  Well ,when she sent me to my room,  I would stuff the bottom of the bag full of clothes that SHE liked and other items that I really didn't care for. But, towards the top of the bag, where she would look, I did get rid of some junk in my dresser drawers.
Now, since I am older and wiser and do not keep old bird nests in my dresser drawers (reminds me, I should check out what Jack has in his dresser drawers!) I think i can take on this challenge. It is suggested that you either donate, sell or throw the items that you are no longer in need of.
There are so many different lists on the web to print off or be inspire are a few samples:
So, I am going to take this challenge, but I will definitely have to "tweak" it to fit my needs and rooms. I must admit, some of the rooms, will take me more than a day (or the suggested 15 minutes!) and some of the rooms, I do not a work out room!!  (thank goodness!) Guess I can just check that day off and call it good!
With a little more searching, I came across the following link to create your own list...and I love my lists!! Instead of making a list of what rooms I need to get done, I know 40 rooms on a list would overwhelm me, I think I will write down the room/places that I have actually cleaned out and then refer to others lists for ideas...make sense?
Wish me luck and I hope that I will actually do this...I know I would feel great about getting it done.
 Now, I just need to figure out when a good day and time would be to start my cleaning!! 
I will keep you updated (words of death!!!)

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