Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sunday Snow...

Everyone was super excited about the snow on Sunday and couldn't wait to to go out and play in it! Sam was up in Minneapolis for the Vikings game with Jason, so it was just Jack and I on our own!

Moose didn't want to be left out by any means!

It didn't take long for Jack to get his "snow gear" on and was ready to go. 

We started out with some snow angels. 

Jack noticed the snow was perfect for building a snowman! 

We ran into a little hitch while finding sticks for our snowman's arms.  each time we would get one, Moose would think it was for her...she would actually grab the stick out of our hands...and once she has it, there's no getting it back. What a stinker! 

Jack was finally successful in getting a couple of sticks for his snowman. 

"As soon as he leaves, those sticks are mine! heehee!!"

There wasn't much snow until you hit the ground, so there was a bit of grass picked up while rolling!

 Jack and his wonderful little snowman!

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