Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sam and Jack's Lego Apartment...

The two goof balls spent about two hours the other afternoon building a Lego apartment.

(Jack decided to wear his vikings stocking cap ALL DAY...and he did! (His fashion sense continues to grow!)

Here's the apartment.  The blue section is actually water dividing the two apartments.  To get from one side to the other, you must cross the brown bridge.  Jack's apartment is at the top and Sam's is on the lower half.

This is Sam's computer room along with a mug of water.  (Wouldn't want to have pop and then not be able to fall asleep that night!)  Jack asked him what he was doing in his room, "Just doing some on-line dating," he replied.  When I took this photo, Sam tossed his Lego man at the same time..that is why he seems to be hovering in the picture.

This is Jack's room. He also has a computer, a goblet and a lava lamp on his desk.  After Jack asked Sam what he was doing, Sam asked Jack what he might be doing in his apartment..."Meditating," explained Jack.

Sam got a look at his Lego man hovering in the previous picture, so both boys thought it would be great to see if I could capture their Lego men flying into their apartments. Can you spot them flying in on the right?

Jack's Lego man overshot the entire building...Sam's is landing almost perfectly in his room.

One more head dive by jack's man...

And one more flip by Sam's.
Then is was back to on-line dating and meditating. Makes a parent proud!

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