Monday, December 24, 2012

Cousin Christmas...

This weekend we had cousin Christmas.  My boys look forward to this day all year...they love being with their cousins!

We always take the annual cousin you can see they just love this opportunity!

The kiddos actually surprised us this year and it didn't take very long to get a good one!! (Jack made another appearance with his famous green shirt and tie!)

Jack opened up a new Lego set and was soon busy putting it together.  Logan sat down with Jack and helped him out.

When Logan was younger, he would put the boys' toys together for and with them. I just love how he still sits down and builds with Jack!

Sam's Aunt Steph can't stand Morph suits, so of course it had to make and appearance!

We had to take this picture twice...Sam forgot to smile!!

We ordered Smokey D's for super. Unfortunately, I had a cooking accident and I wasn't even cooking!

Steph brought an appetizer that needed to be warmed up, so I turned on the oven to preheat.  I opened the oven door to put in her appetizer and found the take out in the oven! OOPS!! Jason had put the food in the oven to keep it warm...BUT I turned on the oven and melted down the take out containers. 

"What happened to the lids?"  asked Jason.
Steph and I both said, "What lids???"
I honestly thought the food had come in some new type of round "paper" holders. (So did Steph!) Oh was nothing new. These were regular take out Styrofoam holders that you would get at any restaurant.  I had melted them down to almost nothing!

But the real kicker is that Jason had told me he put the food in there and NOT to turn on the oven!  "Oh, we have nothing to cook tonight...we'll be fine!" I replied!

What happened, was that when i went to preheat the oven and I did remember the food was in there, but forgot to push the button to warm the second I do have a good excuse.

Not much of the food was eaten and I think the cousins had to stop at a drive through on the way home.  Moose did enjoy a belly full of leftover meat!

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