Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I apologize for the nastiness of the pictures today.  I wondered if I should share these photos or not, then I thought of the many people that have posted pictures of the kiddos holding up a dead deer by the antlers and stating how proud they are of the child.( You know who you are!) So, I thought a headless two legged rabbit might actual be "subtle!" 

I was doing important computer work and saw Moose walk by the sun room windows. As i looked up, I saw legs bobbing up and down from her mouth.  Now, you must know that Moose has FAKE pelts that she likes to carry around and my first thought was that she had one of those in her mouth.  Then as I watched her, I thought to myself, those legs are a little plump.  Great...she has a critter in her mouth. How do I get it out of her mouth???

 As I always do, I headed out (after texting everyone I know the picture!) with a dog treat in hand.  She immediately dropped the rabbit and came for the yummy treat. (Each time Moose brings me a "yummy" I give her a treat.  I am thinking that she is starting to believe that she will get a treat in exchange for something dead from the woods. i am just waiting for her to bring me a turkey!)

So now, Moose is inside and I have a headless rabbit by my front door. What do I do? If i throw it in  the ravine, I think Moose would get it again...so Jas (who was in Phoenix at this time..of course!!) told me to get a shovel and put it in a box. OK.  So off i went to get the shovel...I had a leftover box from Jack's robot costume, so all supplies needed.

The other end of the rabbit, from the opposite view of the first picture, was not pretty.  I heard myself let out an, "EWWewwwwEWWW. swear word."  I put the box down, as you see in the picture, put the shovel under the rabbit, closed my eyes and scoop! When I opened them...the rabbit was in the box. (all new eye opening meaning for "Jack (rabbit) in the box!") again I put the shovel in the box to push it upright...again, with my eyes closed and then closed the flaps with the shovel. 

I carried the box over to the other garage and placed a the shovel on top it...all ready for Jason to deal with when he got home!  I wonder if i should pin the directions on how to box a headless rabbit on pintrest??

1 comment:

  1. You surely aren't talking about me being the proud parent posting her kids dead trophies would you? Haha


