Monday, November 5, 2012


So I am taking laundry down to the basement.  As I am walking down the steps I see a MOUSE (YUCK AND NOT AGAIN!!!) run from underneath the steps across the floor and under the door to our closet cellar.  I shrieked and yelled, "MOOOOOOOOOOOOUSE!!!"  All three boys came running.  (well, maybe not running.) Sam and Jack just wanted to see a real live mouse and Jas...well he's recovering from a run that he did and so he limped to my rescue.

Jason looked into the closet and nothing there. (Obviously!) So i insisted that he set traps...and NOW!!!  After he set the traps,  I shut and locked the closet door.  I also put a towel in front of it, along with boxes and bags full of magazines. I must have carried on a bit, because at one point Sam said, "Mom, I don't think I have heard you swear this much in my entire life!"

 I had planned on spending the day cleaning up my scrap area and doing some kits...which is in the basement...which now has a mouse in it.  How was I going to be able to spend the day down there with that little germy thing...I KNOW!!  I went and got Moose and made her sit by the door and be a watch dog!! Worked very well.

Before the kids got ready for bed, I told them they should go check the mouse traps.  I went upstairs and moments later heard, "WE GOT IT!!! MOM!! WE GOT IT!!!"  Life is good and I have a call into my pest guy as I write this!!   

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