Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bond...Belding Bond...

Last weekend, Jason thought it was time to introduce the boys to Bond..James Bond. So the three of them sat down and watched the first Bond movie...Dr. No...from 1962.  I thought the boys would be bored, but they loved it!

And you guessed it, right after the movie, they dressed up as mini James Bonds.

This is "Bond" after a fight. His t-shirt is all torn up.

Re-enacting a fight scene.

In the movie, James Bond has a hanky in his pocket.  Jack used a piece of Sam's t-shirt as his pocket hanky.  Perfect for a nose-blow, a shake and back into the pocket.  Little did Jack realize that Bond did not use it as a Kleenex, but to dab the sweat off his head!

The perfect Bond looks.

Glad that when we had lunch they didn't ask for anything shaken...not stirred.

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